This certification ensures that the flowers we grow in Colombia comply with the highest social and environmental standards, from planting to post-harvest. FSF encourages the adaptation of energy-efficient processes and requires the minimization of energy-intensive inputs, such as fertilizers and pesticides.
This Standard assures retailers that suppliers in the ornamental horticulture industry meet high standards of quality, safety, and service. It also guarantees the company complies with its ethical, biosafety and environmental responsibilities.
The Ethical Trading Initiative is an alliance of companies, unions and voluntary organizations joining to improve the working lives of people who produce consumer goods. All corporate members of ETI agree to adopt the ETI Base Code of labor practice, which meets the standards set by the International Labor Organization.
The GLOBAL G.A.P. is a certification that upholds sustainability standards based on all stages of production, such as pre-harvest activities–like soil management and plant protection product application – and post-harvest produce handling, packing, and storing.
The Rainforest Alliance seal means we use methods that support the three pillars of sustainability when producing our products–– social, economic, and environmental. It further emphasizes a commitment to continuous improvement, sustainability training, and clear benefits for our farmers.
Get more information at ra.org.
BASC - The Business Alliance for Secure Commerce promotes supply chain security. It is an international business alliance that promotes secure international trade in cooperation with governments and international organizations.
Fair Trade USATM is building an innovative model of responsible business, conscious consumerism, and shared value. They intend to eliminate poverty and enable sustainable development for farmers, workers, their families, and communities around the world.